Monday, February 23, 2015


There will be a meeting of SPGP on March 1st Sunday at 3 PM. Both Karen and Gary believe we should have at least one more meeting because to them at least it went well last time. I am willing to be embarrassed if this is a stale message. I very much believe in what I am doing.
What this group may do for you:

1. help go beneath your ego to a richer level of interaction with people
2. Find that there is non verbal presence in this group but you have to be "in it" to feel it.
3. find that you can not only be supportive without a lot of words but you can experience support from another person in a new and refreshing way.
4. develop the experience of having someone "at your back"
5. realize that this group does not require a professional of any kind
6. I hope that you experience the Balance that this method offers.

to name a few things............but approaching 82 I am pumped up but hopefully it is not my ego doing the pumping.

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