Friday, December 30, 2016

Seeking Consilience

Consilience is the linking together of principles from different disciplines especially when forming a comprehensive theory

     With some degree of trepidation I am placing the cart before the horse in “seeking consilience”; but I have  titled this piece before fully working out the details of the theory.  However, I hope that this will be an interactive effort, as I will be seeking help from others in developing a comprehensive theory.  It is a somewhat defensive posture rather than a fully fleshed out theory.  So the defense is a defense against psychiatry, as we know it today.  Psychiatry is now seen as a medical specialty with the main thrust as an effort to correct chemical imbalance through medication.  Because of monetary imperatives psychiatry has taken the road of big Pharma and no longer is seen as an effort to comprehend and administer healing to the human personality.  To put it bluntly the human personality has been experienced as too complex to be given  a DSM value or a code number for medical diagnosis.

Since our book was written (The Power of the Double Circle) I have studied David Bohm, a physicist, who has written about fragmentation in society.  He died a few years ago and hoped to develop small groups to work on the issue of fragmentation.  My own take on his concept of fragmentation is that in our historical acceleration our ego has outrun our “heart” or those deeper centers of the brain that seek wholeness. Bohm believed that we could seek wholeness through small group process. To be candid I need to experience many more group sessions to arrive fully at Bohm's conclusion.  However I do share his concerns about fragmentation.  It can certainly be seen in the way in which you are ignored after many years of speaking out about the excesses and deceptions within psychiatry and the pharmacological giants.  In my opinion, David Bohm was seeking consilience when he opened the door of fragmentation as a pan- societal problem. So we need the help of many, in my opinion. Sometime in the distant past I sought enlightenment from those above me in rank and from writing that bore the stamp of approval from the establishment. But now I seek truth  from the bottom as  have come to believe that is where the unfiltered knowledge of the centuries of trial and error lie. It lies quietly at the bottom of the sea within the genome of us all in a collected sunrise. Knowledge that comes from the soul of us all.

So I too see our problem as fragmentation rather than party against party, state against state, nation against nation, and sometimes friend against friend as the elan vitale is depleted from our soulThis soul depletion is a product of our ego running ahead of the rest of our being and this is distorting our reality. 

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Rumblings in Psychiatry

In a recent Mad in America column Philip Hickey, PhD placed a hickey on Jessica Gold, MD (a resident in psychiatry) with a 10-point denunciation on the demerits of psychiatry, which I will capsulize as follows:

1.  Psychiatry’s definition of mental disorder embraces every significant problem of thinking, feeling, and behaving and thus medicalizes problems that are not medical in nature.
2.  Psychiatry presents illnesses as causes of specific problems, which are merely labels and provide no insight into the nature or essence of the presetting problem.
3.  Psychiatry has routinely deceived us with these vaguely defined problems but have no known neural pathology.
4.  Psychiatry has promoted drugs as corrective measures when it is “well-known” that no psychiatric drug corrects any neural pathology
5.  5. Psychiatry has conspired with big pharma to demonstrate that their products are safe and effective and suppress negative results, short term follow-up, suppress marginal results and suppress revealing of adverse effects.
6.  A great many psychiatrists accepted large sums of big pharma money in various gifts and inducements
7.  Psychiatry’s labels are disempowering by using notions that the “diseases” are incurable and require drugs for life. This encourages long-term dependency and mediocrity.
8.  Psychiatry’s treatments are destructive and damaging in the long term
9.  Psychiatry’s self serving medicalization of mental problems undermines resilience and foster powerlessness, uncertainty, and dependence.
10.      Psychiatry’s primary agenda over the past four decades has been the expansion of the list of mental illnesses and the assignment of these illnesses to more and more people. 

Before addressing these 10 issues by Dr. Hickey, one by one, it should be pointed out that something went way south long ago.

When I entered psychiatry after 10 years as a country doctor in Mississippi I was moving toward the specialty because of the psychiatrist that I brought into Natchez Mississippi gave so many people electric shock treatments(ECT) that he wore out his welcome. I knew I made a mistake when I realized that he did not like to listen to people.  I thought I could do better by just listening, if nothing else. 

Near the end of my life I find that many issues such as mental illness have a historical quality that are ignored because the claims and counter-claims missed the scene of the accident by decades. When psychiatrists discovered that they could get in on the medical insurance bonanza they jumped in with partially hatched and poorly incubated disease labels. But they failed to catch up because the labels were a house of cards. So to this extent I agree with Dr. Hickey on his list of complaints of 1, 2 and 3(seen above). Dr. Hickey has not, however, offered a viable solution as often happens when one arrives on the scene 20 plus years after the accident. It is as though a container ship was built to carry containers that had not been described but only vaguely glimpsed. Most of our severe problems span more than 100 years. not the least of which relates to the phenomena known as spiritual healing (will be discussed more in a later blog).

Points 4 and 5 by Dr. Hickey have been cited in the current issue of Scientific American which is available

And look for

Psychiatrists Must Face Possibility That Medications Hurt More Than They Help


Items 6,7,8,9 and 10 point to a issue raised by Malcolm Gladwell called moral licensing . Gladwell explains that moral licensing occurs when one gives themselves permission to act immorally because they feel empowered because they have recently done good things for others as one example. When I was in practice big pharma reps would often comment on how poor people could be help by getting free samples failing say that the drug was cost an arm and a leg as soon as the samples were gone. Gladwell explains that someone told him that they were not prejudiced racially because they had a black friend.

Although I agree with Dr. Hickey on the 10 points he offers no solution. So I contend that there are bottom-up methods of human interaction, which have not come into widespread usage because they require work, and a method of start-up.  

In 1958 we set out to solve the problem of schizophrenia as a post-sophomore research fellow for the National Institutes of Mental Health. Little did I know then and just a wee bit more do we know now. My colleague, Dr. Baringer and I thought we could narrow the focus to the study of a copper-bearing enzyme (ceruloplasmin) thought to be a problem in schizophrenia. Six decades later we still don’t know much about ceruloplasmin and its role in schizophrenia. We did gain a large dose of humility.

When psychiatry began working on the DSM III in 1974 it was not until 6 years later that a finished product was published. The six years was fraught with much gnashing of teeth and a house of cards was waiting to be blown away. Dr. Baringer and I contended in 1958 was that the interactions of personality with biologic and genetic forces did not give an adequate foundation for a medical diagnostics scheme. With the advent of the gene mapping we are left even more out on a shaky limb. Now in 2016 with one in every 6 Americans taking a prescribed medication for a mental health problem we are truly awash in doubt.

In my opinion the major players in the development of the DSM III were the big pharma psychiatrists, the child psychiatrists and a few psychoanalytic psychiatrists who remained alive but could not keep pace with the new order. What needed to be understood was the role of personality in healing from the vagaries of modern life. We needed to understand child development and the role of faulty and/or inadequate development in mental problems. we needed to find methods to emulate natural healing as well as find schemes of spiritual healing. Finally we needed to give space for the emerging arena of genetic factors. It was a tall order abut when the smoke cleared we faced a cosmetic nightmare. 

So we are left with a mess and the probability of the medications that are being promoted by psychiatry are covering up problems in the short run and deepening problems in the long run. Meanwhile eighty years of trial and error in Alcoholics Anonymous coming from the bottom–up rather than the top-down have focused on each person facing their character defects and vowing to make restitution while their group views their progress with empathy. Though painful it appears to work as well now as it did 80 years ago. What the AA scheme does address is the power of our individual genetics to mold our future. The power of AA is to use group support to help each individual cope with their own gene-behavior. Can you imagine for a moment what it would take for Trump to modify his genetic-greed behavior? Now after 34 years in AA I can tell you that modifications come with serious work on my part and serious help from my AA friends and sponsors on their part.The Double Circle Group is but a method in continual trial and error to assist in learning to work with a sponsor, getting the group help to navigate thorny issues of personality, and discovering how to get the most out of bottom-up processing. I favor a kind of sponsorship that depends on the principle of helping each other achieve sobriety and mental well being while gaining a more evenhanded personality. As of this writing many AA sponsors use an autocratic way of sponsorship.

In the past twenty  years AA groups working from the bottom-up have gradually brought into their fold those with a variety of disorders on a person by 
person basis. AA Central Office has only peer related input into this phenomenon. 

From the AA opening meeting statement; "Rarely have we seen a person fail who has thoroughly followed our path. Those who do not recover are people who will not or cannot give themselves to this simple program......"

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

The Mystery of the Double Circle Process

 Two years have past without a breakthrough in the interest among my friends and colleagues concerning the Double Circle. Malcolm Gladwell uses the term revisionist history and talking about how events of the past can be seen in the light of present circumstance quite differently than  the circumstance when  this subject was first conceived.  To give you an example the double circle was developed by accident in 1978.  Since then it appears  that some things we never even thought about have come into science and spirituality that brings me to revise my thinking.   From Rupert Sheldrake we are hearing about the field-effect between animals and even plants for that matter.  How do schools of fish and flocks of birds move in unison?  How can we  sense that someone is standing behind us.  Dr.  Sheldrake, who was a biologist, has offered a method for examining the phenomena of flocks of birds and schools of fish and people standing behind us.  But the supportive person Double Circle Group offers a rich soup for further discovery in this area.  Through Gladwell and others we are finding more and more about how we arrive at decisions in his book called Blink.  For example, how does a supportive person manage to assist the person in front of him participating in group interaction in the inner circle?   What does this supportive person need to know?  In rapid group interaction how can they possibly find out about the person they  are supporting?    In these instances  even the mistakes become a rich source of discovery.  Another question might be why have the supported person dyad  anyway.  Of what use is it.   Well, I presume that pairs can learn to  function effectively without much training at all.  As a matter of fact  the pair does not have the sharp ego edges that a single individual has and thus can be more easily digested by the group is large.   But is the pair able  to go beyond the capabilities of a single individual.    Think what this would mean in the workforce.  Rather than hiring one person you hire two people  and your reason is  that they function better than one person.
Some Elements of the Master Plan

 It should be understood that the Double Circle Group is only an instrument or a vehicle for developing bottom-up processing among lower income and destitute folks within shouting distance of Gainesville Florida. Bottom-up processing must be, in my opinion, developed to counter the extreme threat of artificial intelligence, robotic work, advancing technology, and general population increases beyond our means.  With the advent of the huckster as president-elect it should be no mystery that the ground was shaking beneath us.

With that in mind I would like to begin developing a working weekly group process at the Triangle Club in Gainesville.  However, the configuration of the circle or circles is not a primary issue.  What the Triangle Club needs and Alcoholics Anonymous within the Eye-opener Group needs is a better retention of new people coming into Alcoholics Anonymous. I believe Dick and Tom made a great contribution with their step study effort.  This would be a continuation of that effort in a different format. 

I would like to begin is a single circle allowing for crosstalk and aimed at developing a continuing protocol for the group meetings. 

Meanwhile, we have been continuing the Double Circle Group process at Alachua Presbyterian Church.  We now have six members who are coming or regular basis.  We are meeting usually every two weeks.  One of our charges is to develop a workbook for the double circle group process.  The other is to actually conduct the group to discover more ways of achieving some primary aims, which I will list below:
1.   Discover more about the supporting person process through repeated trials and variations in configuration.  For instance, we need to find out whether it is better to maintain fixed membership in a particular circle while changing who is supporting who at regular intervals.
2.   We need to ultimately decide whether there is a fixed protocol.  This would gradually developed by the workbook.
3.   We need to decide whether we are developing facilitators with a fairly exact definition of what a facilitator is and what is required in terms of training.
4.   We need to decide if facilitators are to be compensated once trained.

5.   We need to find the methods for establishing facilitators in particular settings such as the prisons, schools, and other interested groups.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

From the Bottom Up

I recently posted on Facebook a short statement about the recent presidential election.  It seems that no matter what we do on the bottom of the top continues to win big and in a “money” system the 1% at the top control the 99% at the bottom.  So how can we shift from a money system?  As I mentioned last week Michael Tellinger says the Ubuntu system of Contributionism is a possible solution.  The problem in such a system is complexity and a lack of cohesiveness.  We need a simple path in which people with drive, skills in ordinary human relations and perseverance can succeed by their efforts in small groups. This past year we wrote a book called The Power of the Double Circle.

By the use of pairs of people working in tandem within a double circle, power is generated and sustained. By power I mean action to solve problems in real time about what in believe we all cherish; that is truth justice and love. In this triad love is the mystical and elusive element, which most group efforts fail to sustain because the human being is in the midst of an evolutionary crisis. This crisis is in the transition from individual ego, which is seen in powerful leaders, to the sense of team or WeGo. By WeGo I mean the effective pair within the double circle operating for the good of both circles. One might critique this to say the pairs can simply begin to act as just another overpowering ego. However, this pairing floats from individual to individual so that the pairing is constantly in flux.  So each person develops a skill to deal with those people he or she may think they are incompatible with by having to change pairing frequently. Each person learns to love what works; passing effortlessly from individual ego to the WeGo state of mind no matter what each person thought of the other’s
personality beforehand. Can we move to a personality of the pair casting aside the sharp edges of each other’s personality?