Sunday, May 3, 2020

Scattering Thoughts

     I spent the better part of the year (off and on) trying to understand Julien Jane’s book, The Origin of Consciousness  and the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind. It must have been a strange set of circumstance that separated the primates from the emerging human being. This mind of mine seems to be in a constant state of breakdown for repair and breakdown and repair again.   
      Well I got a clue through my friend Janet Baringer who reminded me of Eloise Page. The design is what counts!!  so why design a brain into  right and left side.?
      I believe that consciousness within myself is a dialogue between the right and left side of my brain and between all of this is that as well as moral yes’s and no’s. If I awake during the night I might ponder over a moral issue for a period of time and believe that  no harm is actually done if I take an excursion into XXX. If I’m very good at it I feel a modest remorse but if I am bad at it I reward myself with the notion of good moral behavior.

     Some phenomena are so great within my consciousness that I fear the call of bragging. Two Saturdays ago we had our first Zoom family meeting. Both events were a triumph over the natural scattering of modern family life. We  had 20 kin in 9 locations with two graduations of Celeste in Georgia and Christian in.Newberry. 
     With the falls came the internment into nursing  home life, followed by many CT scans, MRI’s and. 3 neurologists.Though questionable; came the diagnosis of Lewy body dementia made famous by Robin Williams.

                   Of this I know to be true 

I know that by some mysterious means many of us alcoholics and many others with similar addictive problems, have a natural intuition as we, through time and effort, become psychologically  healthy. We are not as protected from our unconscious mind as those who are more intellectual. We are healthy people who use intuition effectively to make  choices about what to do in our lives. What is intuition?The dictionary tells us that intuition is a direct perception of the truth without regard to reasoning. 

But these issues are not compartments. There is a mosaic patterning to what happens in ordinary life. Nothing for us is totally rational. For us there is an essential mystery which some of us reserve a large space for the meaning implied by the word spiritual.