Wednesday, March 29, 2017

The Boost Beyond Ego                   

I have not written in my blog since I've been here in Ormond Beach. I feel almost like a Tarpon Springs sponge. I will wring out some of that sponge and tell you what I've learned here.

One: I have really been blessed to be able to live with Michael.

Two: The Early Ducks Group is a phenomenal batch of folks who share their strength and experience in such a way that one feels gratified to be a human being.

Three: Although the fishing has been mostly fishing and not catching the scenery is so beautiful that it's hard to be disappointed.

Four: For myself at least I have discovered that it is much more important for me to be useful than to be happy (if I have to make a choice).

Five: in order to be useful I will venture back to Gainesville as often as my health allows to participate in the Double Circle Group. The accidental discovery of this configuration is well beyond me. It is certainly a method for placing people heart to heart, soul to soul and find that you can give each other the boost beyond ego. How afraid we all are of closeness but how much we yearn for intimacy without the bondage of self or sex.

Six: I will now seek the only path that I know to gain spiritual strength; and that path is so obvious; so hard for me to see...........i must simply shut my ego down and open myself to thee.