Monday, March 2, 2015

Yesterday was a very special day for me.  On the way to the church I kept thinking that that I use people.  But when I got there those folks help me a great deal in getting of that thought.  So we move on and we decided to have another session on the 15th which is Sunday at 3 PM in trying to get a compliment of at least 12 folks so that we can do the double circle.   meanwhile I am still stuck with my writing but  that will clear up.  I am spending a lot of time  listening to Eckart Tolle but it helps me come down and helps me not worry so much.  I have to look at that as being healthier than many other things that I can do distract myself from worry.  So I will continue in my immersion into the Catholic church activities including rosary in five days a week and mass five days a week with two days a week of AA meetings and one Protestant service on Sunday with the Rev. Hardesty and his spouse Karen at the little Presbyterian Church in Alachua.  I love those folks.