Monday, November 26, 2018

42 Finding The Child-Self

        As a double circle re-grouped, they did not turn their attention to Mary, the facilitator, but to each other in their pair-bond. Mary thought, what’s natural may be a part of the fabric of truth that was weaving its way into their midst. Don’t force anything and let it unfold. She was so excited that her pouch rattled uncontrollably.
BillyG, the billy goat, could not help but say “ Mary, got a catfish tangled in your pouch?”
        Mary’s pouch turned from gray to an embarrassing pink, but was quick to reply, “No I just got pleasantly caught off guard. I didn’t have to make any presumptuous opening speech. All of you resumed your pair-bonds as natural as biscuits and gravy. It’s a testament to Mom Nature’s Hand in our group’s design.”
        Hummy focused on Mary’s pink pouch and sensed she was hiding something and tweeted, “ Mary, you have told us that it is good to share our thoughts and feelings. So, what’s up?”
        In a pelican whisper Mary said, “ I am afraid that the devastation of Dominica tells us that the effects of global warming are already upon us. These storms are becoming fiercer, fires are raging in California, and blame abounds.”
        Ducky quacked, “ But the people in Dominica are rebuilding with :-) faces and that’s a good thing.”
        Bosco, the border collie, barked out, “ Good thought Ducky but the Dominican people are a tiny splash in the puddle of Life. Who will hear us and who will hear them?”
        Hooie, the barn owl, hooted, “I think it very spooky that we all came to resume the double circle”
        Coqui, the tree frog, sang out ” “We switched to the single circle and lost focus”.
        “Hmm, I have a thought about that until you mentioned it,” chirped Bertie, the peregrine falcon.
        “The double circle got too intense for me”, Andi, the osprey chimed in.
         Mira, the sloth, slowly crooned, “The double circle as hot and fast and pretty nearly overwhelming to me. I should’ve raised concern earlier, but I don’t know that much about circles, so I just let you all carry-on.”
        Cackle, the grackle, spoke with great authority, “ the Double Circle Group is like a living organism; So, let it breathe.  When I meditate, I must breathe in an out and gradually shed the ego crust and find my inner self.” 
        Buzzing about trying to imitate the sign of Infinity, Hummy recalled from Harry Crews;
        One of my favorite places to be was in the corner of the room where the ladies were quilting. God, I loved the click of needles on thimbles, a sound that will always make me think of stories. When I was a boy, stories were conversation and conversation was stories. For me it was a time of magic.”
                                                                                            Harry Crews
        Mum bleated, “ I know that I must return to the consciousness of my childhood. We also know that the ladies are quilting the fabric with stories that stand the test of time. My inner child yearns to break free of the battlefield of ego against ego into the Wego of the future.”

Suggested reading:   HOMECOMING: Reclaiming and Championing Your Inner Child  by John Bradshaw


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