Monday, March 19, 2018

24 Consciousness Creates All

          Hidden Messages in Water is a mysterious book written by a Japanese scientist in 2001. Masaru Emoto discovered that molecules of water are affected by our thoughts, words and feelings. While other scientists are busy brain-mapping as though neurons are the key to how things work, Emoto goes beneath the radar into simple pure water as the fulcrum of all consciousness. It’s the old ying-yang; the bean counters vs the mystics or  conservatives vs liberals and so on; should this be disturbing?
          Accepting a dark side, and understanding it, could help to move into a new light. Knowing both sides of our souls, helps us all to move forward in life and to understand that, perfection doesn't exist. We are locked in a hug of ourselves bringing on inner conflict. The heat of friction fuels our tanks and drives us toward unknown destinations.
         Allow me to return you to our curious double circle of animals in the cool cave beneath a waterfall on the Caribbean island of Dominica. Mom Nature has given them the daunting task of planet-saving by planting a seed of concerned consciousness into egomaniacal humans remembering what Einstein left us with. “Two things appear certain; the infiniteness of the Universe and human stupidity.”
        Mary, the facilitating white pelican coached the group, “I would like for all of you to reverse your circles so that the inner becomes the outer and vice versa, You now  have a different perspective to interact with each other. As time goes on you’ll see the  the wisdom of this. Allow yourself to see the wisdom in each other.”
        Joe, the anole, croaks haltingly, “I had so much to say while in the outer circle. And now I am stupefied by the pressure of this inner circle.”
        Mum, the nanny goat, bleats, “I feel the pressure too. In the outer circle I could see the world and all the cures, but now I can’t think of a blessed thing to say. “
        Mary, the facilitator, flaps her wings with anticipation, “Why don’t you visit with your supportive animal and get to know them from the heart. Why else would Mom Nature set us up as a double circle? If you feel their support at your back wisdom will exude from you as never before.”
             The twenty-four turned to each other to strengthen their bond.
                                (a 10 minute pause in group action)
          Free, the butterfly, clicked, “That was the best 10 minutes of my brief life. Paula, the parrot, told me that she admired my courage to breed in spite of such a brief butterfly life. She admitted that she was 48 years old and would probably reach 75. She actually told me that she would not have the courage to live if she only had two weeks to live. But, then, I had to tell her that I was Free the 4th  and she was talking with my great-great grandfather when our grouip started. Within his DNA,  I was able to know the double circle groups history. We share the knowledge of the thread of life that Mom Nature has given us.”
         “Well now, the secret is out,” clicked Leda, the dragonfly.  “I admit that I may have snuck off to mate. You must know that dragonflies have only about 6 months to live. Now that Free has let the cat out of the bag, I too, have the DNA memory to bring to this group.”
        “This is a real hoot,” said Hooie, the barn owl, “Can this be possible or even plausible? Is this memory in our nerves or just in the water within our bodies?”
        Coqui, the frog, sang out, “I vote for water. But there is water in my nerves too. Regardless, water is the magic wand held by Mom Nature. Water will bring humans to their senses.”
         Cackle, the grackle, cawed, “Are you saying that simple water can hold memory of past events? “
         Mary intervened, “The property of water is a complex issue, but if recent research is verified by direct experience, this group of yours could convey knowledge to humans through your group conscience via the curtain of water falling here in our midst.”

           Suggested Reading;   Water Codes   The Science of Health, Consciousness, and Enlightenment. By Carly Nuday, PhD

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