Saturday, July 1, 2017

05 Undaunted

Saturday, June 24, 2017


“What is this world coming to? How can we, as mere animals, do anything about human behavior?” sang Coqui the frog. “I can make it rain and I can sing a song heard across the valley but people are a bit daunting.”
     A shadow cast from a black kite startled the small group below. But looking up they realized that it was Milvus. The kite is a beautiful bird with a graceful shape and a swallow tail. This was a good and a special sign. Hummy, BillyG, and Coqui felt a soothing relief.  As if synchronized in thought and feeling they believed a harbinger of hope appeared and was flying overhead.
      Milvus swooped down to a low branch of a mango tree and began to munch a nearby ripe fruit. Hummy saw this and was amazed but was comforted by his luncheon choice.
      Hummy was thinking, Is this real or surreal? Will I be safe from kites now? Did God hit the reset button? Do we have a shot at interrupting the human’s self-destruct path? This is going to take unprecedented animal synergy. I hope Milvus has something tucked under his wing. And he flapped and flittered about; his wings beating furiously.
     In a similar fashion BilllyG quietly wondered, Is something amiss? I have never seen a black kite this close and slurping down a mango besides. This was a sign of great import, but what?
     Coqui, similarly puzzled, but grateful, wondered, Am I not on this kite’s diet anymore? The overhead shadow has always spooked me.
     Between bites of mango, Milvus finally spoke, “You might not know about this but I am hawk-eyed and pick up nuances in your movements. Also, I have some thermal sensing which allowed me to pick up your overheated bodies. You are very excited  about something. May I ask about what?”
     Amazed, but reassured, like an opera trio they all blurted out at once, “ It’s the humans. They are going bananas all over the world, but maybe going ape-shit would be more accurate.”

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