Monday, July 10, 2017

07 Interlude

Interlude    II

     Seemingly invincible incompatibilities can have a hidden bond which allows them to thrive in each other’s midst. But matters can get terribly complicated even with the best intentions made by all. Hence, the gathering of animals on Dominica who are seriously considering a humanitarian act, pray tell. Perhaps, if animals were more self-serving they would consider an animatarian act as opposed to humanitarian act. But for the story to have merit these animals must reach sacrificially to help humans who no longer see themselves as close to the edge of extinction. A harbinger could have been a few loose ceramic tiles on the belly of the returning astronauts space vehicle in 2003 in which all seven astronauts were killed
      Could we all burn up through our amazing but fateful speed of humanity hurtling through time and overheating the entire planet? If nature has a pace are we exceeding it?

Consilience    7

     We all looked up at the title of this section wondering what in the hell was consilience. Animals have a problem with words anyway and this word is
too steep for most of us. As it turns out consilience was chosen by the editor because it is derived from ‘jumping together of knowledge’.  On further investigation the group found that Edward O Wilson's book, Consilience, was the editors favorite book.  The chosen animals are going to have to jump into this project without reservation with the
emphasis on together.
     As the group of animals formed a circle each realized that there was a peculiar energy among them. What it was, remains a mystery, but what it could accomplish was emerging as primitive intuition. To put it another way they were moving in concert but had no inkling of how this could be happening. It was not passed from generation to generation as a tribal circle but as a much more primitive circle of million years past minnows migrating through dangerous waters. Just as little children all over the world learn to speak from the mysterious depths of the consciousness of past generations, our Dominican animals were tapping the consciousness of millions of years of survival knowledge from minnows, no less.
     Cackle the grackle suddenly dropped into the circle talking a mile-a-minute,
“The Governor of California just signed into a law a bill that makes cow farting virtually illegal. Because global warming is created by methane (farts) gas then cows are the worst farts of all. It’s a crime, it’s a blooming crime. Don’t they realize that humans are eating too many hamburgers which come from cows. Cows are innocent.”   Cackle squawked, “There are from 1 to 2 billion cows on this earth and they all make tons of methane gas. And that’s a fact Jack.”

     “Here, here,” echoed everyone in the group. And now on to helping pitiful human beings. They know not what hamburgers have wrought.

     Coqui, the frog sang, “I’m great at jumping but not so sure about the knowledge part.”

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