Tuesday, July 3, 2018

35 The Consciousness of Phil

        I don’t like to finish anything. The discussion of consciousness has gone on for a year. The animals have been patient and continue their discussions about consciousness. But they have not gone into the cave of subconscious. So, let us join them and find out why. My consciousness can wait.

                           Waiting at the station, waiting for my train.

        Myrtle, the turtle pled her case first. “My legs got heavy and even Hooie felt heavy on my back.”
        “I don’t want to put the blame on Myrtle because there was a screaming NO in my mind,” hooted Hooie, the barn owl.
        Mary, the facilitator, crooned with care,” We should tighten our circle and give Mom Nature a chance to enter and speak to us from within our hearts.”
        BillyG bleated, “Think about what Free, the butterfly said and Leda, the dragonfly buzzed in. They both completed their evolution millions of years before these people-humans began.”
        “I guess that’s why we are here. As I look around the circle all of us have completed the evolution of our species.” Sang Coqui, the frog. “But I should not have spoken from the outer circle.”
        “We can and should become a single circle now because we have all learned how to be supportive of each other,” said Mary, in her wisdom.
        “Their brains have gotten big and now they fly back and forth every day. Where did they get those planes?”, barked Bosco, the border collie.

        King suddenly called out, “Going into the cave of subconscious is like catching Mom Nature on the john. It would be too embarrassing.”
        “That’s a good point. Mom Nature deserves respect and privacy. She must do her thinking on the john,” Mira the sloth pled. “But that is not the point. I am either fearful of the cave of subconscious or it is just taboo.”
        “We need to find out why we are all so afraid of the cave of subconscious,” spoke Shazam, the parrot. “Taboo is something we shy away from instinctively, so we should just leave that alone. My hunch is that it is something far more complex but workable.”
        “I think we are stuck. I, for one don’t believe, for an instant, that it would be wise to go deep into that cave", said Andi, the osprey, “When humans developed a big brain, they also found that they could talk to themselves and get answers. They foolishly thought that they were talking to God. They went right past Mom Nature without any shame or doubt.”  
        BillyG bleated, “That makes a lot of sense. People who I do admire have a monkey on their back. That is why I butt them in the fanny; to get the monkey off their back. When I do butt them, they turn and yell at me. And the monkey goes free.”
        “If they would just feel the monkey and reach up and pet the monkey,” Cesar, the iguana mumbled.
        Milvus, the black kite, squawked, “You have just said what may turn out to be the most important utterance of in our group in months. Please elaborate”
To be continued

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