Since I started this blog several years ago I have quietly yearned for this to be a more interactive process. In keeping with this idea there will be a guest editorial periodically which may encourage dialogue. If there is a good response we may all be able to challenge those who are writing numerous textbooks on the matter of consciousness. We are most fortunate to have a local figure who is studying his own consciousness with an intensity and creativity that is very compelling to me. I hope you like it and will respond with your own notions, critique, and comparisons.

If I had to guess as to what consciousness is I would say that it is the spark of life in its purest form. Here is my guess without any research whatsoever.
Please excuse my English and grammar.
Consciousness in regards to it originating thought can’t be described as anything less than divine for without it we are left with nothing, no reason for being.
Explaining or defining the streaming process from our physiology what creates a human thought, that is described as consciousness, can only be theorized with superficial characteristics vaguely pronouncing: we know ’we create thought’.
Descriptions we may use are probably those same attributes used in describing a divine being or entity. In the human species our collective consciousness may be omniscient in its potential, with that in mind perhaps we‘ll understand more empirically where a thought comes from.
When and if we understand the mechanism where thought begins the possible threats from artificial intelligence will escalate exponentially.
I am fascinated with the various levels of consciousness and the interpretations of ‘reality’ during these states of being.
The level of consciousness that I’m working on now is the dimension of consciousness entered in dreams. Instead of going to bed with the monkey-chatter of recent TV or podcast shows rattling around in my body I’ll do something that has always provided me with peace and reflection.
After a short meditative 30 or so seconds, I’ll close my eyes and scribble my feelings in line on a sketch pad with a pencil.
From there I associate the lines with figures or shapes that flow from consciousness. Drawings that I could never have drawn intentionally, with forethought, become a bit more dynamic stemming from visual association with random, blind scribblings. I’m preparing and freeing my mind for imagery within myself instead of someone else’s production feeding it to me. I'm calming my mind with self-created visual stimulation that stemmed from instantaneous, conscious thoughts. Beginning dreams so to speak.
Then, I’ll go to bed and consciously remind myself to remember my dreams, that it’s important!
When I awake I research online what some of those images represent. ( I also research some of the images that pop up from the drawings as well )
Yellow School Bus, Snow falling and so on.
In my opinion, the importance of mental health can be improved by understanding the subconscious and where your real concerns may be without a repressive aspect of the personality masking it.
Jordan Peterson said he had a client who mastered the art of the lucid dream and she asked directly, in her dream, what her dream meant.

Communicating thoughts is the most powerful tool there is in understanding and organizing the products of consciousness. Listening, verbalizing, writing and drawing are tremendous vehicles that help us tame the onslaught of information whizzing through us helping us define our fleeting life experience.
Perhaps the question is: What is the communicative device/vehicle that creates spontaneous thought?
A unique and vital energy source that is attributed to our souls is my guess.
Good luck finding an algorithm and frequency for that, it's a miracle of evolution like the entire universe.
by Robert Sorenson