Friday, December 30, 2016

Seeking Consilience

Consilience is the linking together of principles from different disciplines especially when forming a comprehensive theory

     With some degree of trepidation I am placing the cart before the horse in “seeking consilience”; but I have  titled this piece before fully working out the details of the theory.  However, I hope that this will be an interactive effort, as I will be seeking help from others in developing a comprehensive theory.  It is a somewhat defensive posture rather than a fully fleshed out theory.  So the defense is a defense against psychiatry, as we know it today.  Psychiatry is now seen as a medical specialty with the main thrust as an effort to correct chemical imbalance through medication.  Because of monetary imperatives psychiatry has taken the road of big Pharma and no longer is seen as an effort to comprehend and administer healing to the human personality.  To put it bluntly the human personality has been experienced as too complex to be given  a DSM value or a code number for medical diagnosis.

Since our book was written (The Power of the Double Circle) I have studied David Bohm, a physicist, who has written about fragmentation in society.  He died a few years ago and hoped to develop small groups to work on the issue of fragmentation.  My own take on his concept of fragmentation is that in our historical acceleration our ego has outrun our “heart” or those deeper centers of the brain that seek wholeness. Bohm believed that we could seek wholeness through small group process. To be candid I need to experience many more group sessions to arrive fully at Bohm's conclusion.  However I do share his concerns about fragmentation.  It can certainly be seen in the way in which you are ignored after many years of speaking out about the excesses and deceptions within psychiatry and the pharmacological giants.  In my opinion, David Bohm was seeking consilience when he opened the door of fragmentation as a pan- societal problem. So we need the help of many, in my opinion. Sometime in the distant past I sought enlightenment from those above me in rank and from writing that bore the stamp of approval from the establishment. But now I seek truth  from the bottom as  have come to believe that is where the unfiltered knowledge of the centuries of trial and error lie. It lies quietly at the bottom of the sea within the genome of us all in a collected sunrise. Knowledge that comes from the soul of us all.

So I too see our problem as fragmentation rather than party against party, state against state, nation against nation, and sometimes friend against friend as the elan vitale is depleted from our soulThis soul depletion is a product of our ego running ahead of the rest of our being and this is distorting our reality.