As author, I apologize. I have taken us into a zone of extreme fogginess. I know how we yearn for certainty. If I just jump right into the abyss, my own consciousness is changing with each encounter whether, I look inside myself or think I can know what you might be conscious of. But you all steady my boat like outriggers and hopefully we don’t tip over. I must trust that there is a communal consciousness and I quote from BillyG below, “If you can think it...then it can be...however all must be of one mind.”
Way back in 1968 Buckminster Fuller (inventor of the geodesic dome) told us “we are all astronauts on Spaceship Earth.” Put Buckminster and BillyG together and bingo you are in, like banana pudding.
Andi, the osprey, chirped, “The Texas shooting massacre is at the very heart of the human problem, but the event is clearly a point where our group can look inside the beast.”
“I believe I see what you mean,” fluttered Free, the butterfly. “All humans are captives of their own consciousness. All of us here, as animals, understand that climate and consciousness are inseparable.”
Coqui, the frog, sang, “Whoa, this is a far out finesse and too tricky for me. You took more frog-hops than I can follow.”
Mary, the white pelican, seeking consilience. or a jumping-together of knowledge, crowed, “We as animals know that Mom Nature not only controls the weather, she is the weather. Marjorie Merriweather (excuse the pun) may have built Mara Lago a few feet above the ocean but one of Mom’s hurricanes could soon destroy it. As global warming continues so goes hurricane intensity and Pres.’s pad along with it.”
“ So the climate(weather) and the consequent storms are in a lock-step dance”, chirped Andi, "just as war amongst nations cannot be separated from war amongst individuals.”
“Does this mean that humans could save themselves by a change in consciousness?” quacked Ducky.
Hooie’s eyes rolled back in his head, “Hold it right there! Are you saying that individual consciousness and group or national consciousness are locked in with each other ?”
BillyG bleated, “ I am seeing a whole lot of tribalism and the USA is split right down the middle.”
Leda, the dragonfly, buzzed, “Please elaborate on ‘tribalism’ amongst humans, BillyG.”
“Just after WW II most people wanted to help Europe and McArthur even led us into helping Japan. But since then humans have gradually split-off into fragments such as white evangelicals, liberals, conservatives and so on, loving like-minded tribes and hating the other tribes,” replied BillyG. “If you can think it...then it can be...however all must be of one mind.”
“ Why, pray tell? What happened to the human race?” sighed Jake, the bassett hound.
“Words(language) are said to be the substance of consciousness. Language is tricky and can have double meanings as well as creating hurt and resentment,” hummed Hummy, “humans may be out on a limb that is about to break.”
“Yeah, but there has to be more to that. All this fear, hatred, resentment and rage must be driven by something. What is it?,” squawked, Cackle the grackle.
“ What I am about to say may imply dismay, but look at it this way,” rapped King, the kingfisher, “All fear is driven by loss of trust in the future.”
“But who or what is driving that?”, whispered Cesar, the iguana.
“ A smattering of truth might include loss of attention to Mom Nature, too much attention to TV, thinking that ignoring politics will make go away, losing touch with God, ignoring the wisdom of those close to us, and most of all fear that loving each other will make us frighteningly vulnerable,” bleated Mum, the nanny goat.
Hearing that last phrase from Mum terrified Fregata, the frigate bird, and he bolted into the blue, seeking as much altitude as he could muster. He was repeating to himself; I need freedom more than I need the group….. I need freedom more than I need the group.
But the mantra failed as he was pulled gently, by a tractor-beam as if from the Starship Enterprise, to the ground, the cave, and his group.
Way back in 1968 Buckminster Fuller (inventor of the geodesic dome) told us “we are all astronauts on Spaceship Earth.” Put Buckminster and BillyG together and bingo you are in, like banana pudding.
God, to me, it seems
is a verb,
not a noun,
proper or improper.
Buckminster Fuller*******
Andi, the osprey, chirped, “The Texas shooting massacre is at the very heart of the human problem, but the event is clearly a point where our group can look inside the beast.”
“I believe I see what you mean,” fluttered Free, the butterfly. “All humans are captives of their own consciousness. All of us here, as animals, understand that climate and consciousness are inseparable.”
Coqui, the frog, sang, “Whoa, this is a far out finesse and too tricky for me. You took more frog-hops than I can follow.”
Mary, the white pelican, seeking consilience. or a jumping-together of knowledge, crowed, “We as animals know that Mom Nature not only controls the weather, she is the weather. Marjorie Merriweather (excuse the pun) may have built Mara Lago a few feet above the ocean but one of Mom’s hurricanes could soon destroy it. As global warming continues so goes hurricane intensity and Pres.’s pad along with it.”
“ So the climate(weather) and the consequent storms are in a lock-step dance”, chirped Andi, "just as war amongst nations cannot be separated from war amongst individuals.”
“Does this mean that humans could save themselves by a change in consciousness?” quacked Ducky.
Hooie’s eyes rolled back in his head, “Hold it right there! Are you saying that individual consciousness and group or national consciousness are locked in with each other ?”
BillyG bleated, “ I am seeing a whole lot of tribalism and the USA is split right down the middle.”
Leda, the dragonfly, buzzed, “Please elaborate on ‘tribalism’ amongst humans, BillyG.”
“Just after WW II most people wanted to help Europe and McArthur even led us into helping Japan. But since then humans have gradually split-off into fragments such as white evangelicals, liberals, conservatives and so on, loving like-minded tribes and hating the other tribes,” replied BillyG. “If you can think it...then it can be...however all must be of one mind.”
“ Why, pray tell? What happened to the human race?” sighed Jake, the bassett hound.
“Words(language) are said to be the substance of consciousness. Language is tricky and can have double meanings as well as creating hurt and resentment,” hummed Hummy, “humans may be out on a limb that is about to break.”
“Yeah, but there has to be more to that. All this fear, hatred, resentment and rage must be driven by something. What is it?,” squawked, Cackle the grackle.
“ What I am about to say may imply dismay, but look at it this way,” rapped King, the kingfisher, “All fear is driven by loss of trust in the future.”
“But who or what is driving that?”, whispered Cesar, the iguana.
“ A smattering of truth might include loss of attention to Mom Nature, too much attention to TV, thinking that ignoring politics will make go away, losing touch with God, ignoring the wisdom of those close to us, and most of all fear that loving each other will make us frighteningly vulnerable,” bleated Mum, the nanny goat.
Hearing that last phrase from Mum terrified Fregata, the frigate bird, and he bolted into the blue, seeking as much altitude as he could muster. He was repeating to himself; I need freedom more than I need the group….. I need freedom more than I need the group.
But the mantra failed as he was pulled gently, by a tractor-beam as if from the Starship Enterprise, to the ground, the cave, and his group.
suggested reading: Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge, Edward O Wilson . 1999
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