Medical update
My cystoscope exam on Friday revealed no cancer. So that is a good thing and the treatment was successful for the time being. I will get another cystoscope exam and about six months. Meanwhile it looks as though Stephen Langer's probiotic will have to be administered by enema. I am attacking this diabetes problem from the standpoint that my diabetes is due to bad bacteria in my colon. another medical issue is about the worry of developing dementia. I have been taking a Singular for the past two months and my Peak score has not dropped any. I take a series of six brief examinations of my cognitive function on Peak each morning. If you are interested in this you can look it up under I recommend that everyone in the family take omega oil and attempt to get the brand that gives you the most EPA DHA. The Oceans Blue appear to have the highest EPA/DHA.
I am trying to read 15 Dogs because it is a selection of my bookclub: I find it totally ridiculous but I will try and finish it. I found the Light Between Oceans to be contrived by an author who needed to write a story. Then I read a book by a neurosurgeon called Proof of Heaven which is equally contrived and almost total bullshit. It is supposed to be a journey into the afterlife but it fails miserably because I have talked to four people in detail about their experience of cessation of vitals
and Dr. Eben Alexander's story did not ring true for me. The only book that I have read in February that truly made sense is the End of Average by Todd Rose which is subtitled how we succeed in a world that values sameness.