I have been very remiss in blogging recently. But I am encouraged that we are going to have a very special occasion on April 9 when Susan will be here and others who will help generate enthusiasm for the supportive person group process. This week I have been reading a book recommended by Shelby which is about serving. It is written by a person who has lived in Gainesville in the past and was in the same church that Shelby attends. I very much enjoy the book and recommend it and is called SERVING THE GREAT and is by Matt Tenney.
Meanwhile our book, the Janus group guide continues to take shape and will hopefully be ready within a few months. when I think about the supportive person group I really have begun to think that it has a life of its own now. There have been many books written about the problems of modern society and books written about the negative effects that ego can have on people's peace of mind but the supporting person group is not about a book is about an instrument. Just as one would use a spoon or fork this group can become an instrument for whatever meal you want to prepare. Whether it is going to be fully self-sustaining without professional help remains in question that can only be answered by groups getting started and actually continuing over a period of time.
Ultimately the Janus group will reach a tipping point that cannot be predicted but only hope for and worked for.