What a wonderful
place this is. Dominica is almost indescribable. The air is so soft, changing
by the hour. One could call it unconditioned air. And then there are surreal
clouds between the mountains Inviting to be walked on. Birdsongs echo across
bright green treetops. Flowers explode into view. Only Mother Nature could’ve
chosen this magical island for the animals to bring humans to their senses.
But yet…………………
this past December, 2017 Dominica remains crippled by ravages of Hurricane
Maria. The island inhabitants have received about 37 million US dollars in aid
so far but more is needed. The place is a mess.
Such is the
consequence of global warming from human and enforced animal activity. Humans
may take action, but our little band of animals is in secret session at this
moment to review what they can do to help in raising human consciousness to a
higher level.
The 24 plus
animals are now coming to grips with the nature of the double
circle. I can give you a hint of the essence of the secret session by
telling you that their charge is to select and settle on a supportive
animal. Stop and think about it. If you were one of the twenty-four plus one animals how would you select and become selected. It could be the most daunting
task in your whole life. Is it done with the brain or the heart? Listen in with
your imagination and hear what the animals are up to.
"Now we have come
full circle," croaked Myrtle, the turtle. " Remember that our fable
began with the problem of 'invincible incompatibility' and we have avoided the
issue in our group ever since. Are males and females incompatible because they
are so different in attitude?"
" This grouping seems like groping. I
have never allowed myself to be this close to creatures so weirdly
different," clicked Free the butterfly.
" Likewise, I'm sure", replied Joe
Anole," There is a palpable scariness to intimacy of this kind, but I
trust Mary our facilitator to point us in the right direction."
" But isn't this a
wonderful cave? I can hear the faintest of our voices. I can see the strong
daylight even through the curtain of clear water spilling over the
waterfall," Chirped Bertie, the peregrine falcon.
"And what is so scary
about being close and cozy? " sang Coqui, the frog. "It is like a
pile of puppies, but with odd shapes and sizes, peculiar shades and colors, and
curious smells and postures."
" No, I don’t think so. Their differences yield
another roll of the dice and the youngsters from the mating bring us hope for
the future," cawed Cackle the grackle. "The newborn opens us, and
we believe again, even if we had lost all hope."
" So, Mother Nature dares us to mate with an incompatible
soul finding a strong bond." squawked Fregata, the frigate bird." Did she trick us? Answering my own question; she
had to or we would have not had the courage to mate,"
"Nature's opposing forces are at again. We here in the
cave are dealing with a seemingly invincible force of global warming which brought
Hurricane Maria," hooted Hooie, the owl. " Invincible is just another
scary word. We press on."
" Joy and gratitude to
the Inner Circle. You have found your essence. I see that you have found
power in each other," crooned Mary the white pelican." We can now bring in
the Outer Circle to be your back and protect your work." (See Appendix