Friday, August 25, 2017

11 Freedom

Freedom   11


     Voyagers don’t just pull their ideas from the center of the ideological spectrum. They believe creativity happens when you merge galaxies of belief that seem at first blush incompatible. They might combine left-wing ideas about labor unions with right-wing ideas about local community to come up with a new conception of labor law. Because they are syncretistic, they are careful to spend time in opposing camps, always opening lines of communication. The wise moderate can hold two or more opposing ideas together in her mind at the same time.

David Brooks
New York Times

     “I hesitate to speak,’ rumbled Cesar, the iguana,” but I must, at least, give you pause for reflection. Returning to those human problems that King rattled off, I would like to add a suggestion. Stop thinking about human nature for a moment and consider the human condition.”
     “Thank you for bringing that up,” crooned Mira, the sloth,” This conversation has been too fast for me to digest.”
     “Spit it out,” bleated BillyG, “Don’t hold back.”
     “Think about it this way,” Cesar whispered, “A woman in Massachusetts just won over 750 million dollars and I doubt that she will be able to maintain her composure because conditions will far outweigh her ability to cope.”
     “How do you know about her?” questioned Bertie, the peregrine falcon. “We are on Dominica and a bit isolated to say the least.”  
      “Until yesterday, I was a famous person’s pet iguana in the Washington area. He brought me here as a safe place compared to the United States. He returned to deal with the coming crescendo. You all know that the world is in disarray or you would not have started this group,” replied Cesar.
       “Let’s cut to the chase,” Milvus, the black kite, demanded, “The suspense is ruffling my feathers.” 
        The overall message that I bring from my anthropologist owner concerns consciousness. He believes that bulk of human consciousness is a tribal one. We must find a way to deal with that or go around it. Otherwise, human nature will bring us all down through a simple lack of awareness. We can see it because we have been reverently deliberate in our journey through time,” rumbled Cesar.        

     “We cannot tackle a problem until people become conscious of it.”
      “What in the hell is reverently deliberate?” squawked Cackle.
      “ I think that humans have lost reverence for Mom Nature,” bleated Mum, the nanny goat. “About 4 million years ago the guys (males) left their families and joined tribes leaving the girls to tend to the families. Hormones over humbleness, testosterone over humility, and ultimately triumphant ego driven tribal leaders over Mom Nature, herself. What a disaster! The family was so effective and good for the little tykes that boredom set in and the guys stumbled into wine making. The rest of the story is not pretty.”

     Hooie hoots, "Do we really have freedom if some of our consciousness is stuck in our DNA and emerges from time to time and embnarrasses us? I would say that we are free if we are aware that our poorly hidden tribalism is in our genes and we counter instinct with compassion." 



Sunday, August 20, 2017

10 Reality



      Phil, the editor wishes to explain that this is a fable invented by animals who represent, to him , alone, characters in his life that he cherishes and teases the reader into seeing life as a game, never lost or won but simply played-out in the grand scheme of the universe with infinity as a scoreboard.
     “What a beautiful day to live in Dominica. How fortunate we are to be able to reach out to humans. The trees are singing to us using the wind as their conductor,” squawked Shazam the Amazon parrot.
     “What’s all the eloquence about? Let’s get on with the show. I don’t like having to perch this long anywhere for anyone,” squealed Fregata the frigate bird.
     “Well, you could think about the rest of us, especially those who don’t fly.
We turtles are very sure footed but never airborne. Patience and groundedness are our virtues,” rumbled Myrtle the turtle.
    “ La-de-da,” returned Fregata. You turtles just abandon your young while we take care of our babies for 9 months.”

     Mary, the facilitating white pelican, sensed that her good offices were needed and gently cooed, “Look a little deeper into the strategy of Mom Nature. Turtles cannot watch over their young as birds do, so they have many little tikes hoping some will survive. The frigate bird only has one chick so it must be carefully nurtured for 9 months. And that is why we are here. Survival takes many paths.”  .   . …. “ But think about it this way. Humans are wrangling over each other’s color, religion, and parking spaces. They are in need of our help, so, you all are way ahead of them.”
    Bosco, the border collie, barked, “ I would like to get on with the task at hand. What is the human problem?”  
      King, the ring-necked kingfisher rattled, “Let’s name a few such as greed, too much speed, and much too much ego. And those are only the intentional  flaws. Consider the faults of human omission such as: failure to nurture, failure to attend to elder experience, failure to heed Mom Nature, and so on….to name a few.”
       “So, in addition to all of that, King droned on, “humans feeling the pain overreact and compensate with bizarre chemical remedies such as tobacco, alcohol, cocaine, Maryjane, and love-free orgasms. “
     Hooie hooted, “ Wait just a damn minute. Is it really that bad? What an order , I can’t go through with it.”
      “If Mom Nature is the reason we are all here then there is no choice. We owe her our life,” Ducky quacked. “ This is reality and we can handle it.”